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Frequently asked questions:

If you believe I have missed out a question you needed to ask, please don't hesitate to contact me via the contact form below, or any other forms of communication are also fine: 

Do I need to show my face in the photographs you take of me? 

No, you can request your images only show parts of you excluding your face, or even none of you at all. I aim to represent you in the way that suits you, and you will have a lot of creative control over the imagery. 

Can I be included in the research interviews, however not be photographed? 

Yes, of course. I welcome all kinds of contributions to my project, no matter how big or small, they will be helpful to my work.

Can you remove my name from the images? 

Yes. I would like you to be aware that you don't have to have any name attached to your face at all, or if you like your sex worker pseudonym, or another made up alias, for your own safety, and piece of mind, that is also absolutely fine. 

You may see that in the previous publication I have chosen to remove evidence of the sex workers names, using text redaction, and will carry on doing this for the majority of my research. 

Is there a specific role I have to work in to participate in your research?

There are no specifics, as of yet, to the type of sex worker you work as. I want to establish an array of working individuals. (I will add that you can be a retired sex worker).

Will I be paid for my participation?

As this project is all self-funded and has not yet received anything additional to what's in my own pocket, there unfortunately will not be any paid opportunities. I want to ensure you as the collaborator are taking a lot of the creative control. 

However, I may have the opportunities to gift you, whether that be Amazon voucher, or shopping vouchers. 

Will I have to sign consent forms?

Yes, I am afraid so. Given the nature of my research, to protect you and myself then there are a number of consent forms to sign dependent on the ways that you wish to participate in this research.

However, having said that (again). You can give verbal consent in certain circumstances.

Can I withdraw from participating?

Yes, you can. Just ask and I will let you know how.

Do I have to take part in this research project?

No, not at all. If you read this website and decide that it is not for you, then that’s more than okay. I appreciate you taking the time to find out more.

Do I have to be over the age of 18 to participate?

Yes, absolutely!

Do I have to be sex working in the United Kingdom to participate?

No, sex workers from across the globe are welcome to participate. Because the project intends to be solely photographic, we can figure out how we can change the way we shoot, or collaborate.

I work out doors, can I participate?

Yes, you are most welcome to be a part of this research project.

Will your research be public?

I absolutely intend to make this practice public. Which is why throughout any point, if you wish you can take yourself out of the project, or take imagery without revealing your identity. All of these elements can be worked out.

Contact me:

Thanks for submitting!

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